
Client configuring from URL

New in version 0.1.1.

Client can be configured from the given URL:

>>> from clickhouse_driver import Client
>>> client = Client.from_url(
...     'clickhouse://login:password@host:port/database'
... )

Port 9000 is default for schema clickhouse, port 9440 is default for schema clickhouses.

Connection to default database:

>>> client = Client.from_url('clickhouse://localhost')

Querystring arguments will be passed along to the Connection() class’s initializer:

>>> client = Client.from_url(
...     'clickhouse://localhost/database?send_logs_level=trace&'
...     'client_name=myclient&'
...     'compression=lz4'
... )

If parameter doesn’t match Connection’s init signature will be treated as settings parameter.

Inserting data from CSV file

Let’s assume you have following data in CSV file.

$ cat /tmp/data.csv
2019-08-01 15:23:14,New order1,5
2019-08-05 09:14:45,New order2,3
2019-08-13 12:20:32,New order3,7

Data can be inserted into ClickHouse in the following way:

>>> from csv import DictReader
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from clickhouse_driver import Client
>>> def iter_csv(filename):
...     converters = {
...         'qty': int,
...         'time': lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
...     }
...     with open(filename, 'r') as f:
...         reader = DictReader(f)
...         for line in reader:
...             yield {k: (converters[k](v) if k in converters else v) for k, v in line.items()}
>>> client = Client('localhost')
>>> client.execute(
...     'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data_csv '
...     '('
...         'time DateTime, '
...         'order String, '
...         'qty Int32'
...     ') Engine = Memory'
... )
>>> []
>>> client.execute('INSERT INTO data_csv VALUES', iter_csv('/tmp/data.csv'))

Table can be populated with json file in the similar way.

Adding missed settings

It’s hard to keep package settings in consistent state with ClickHouse server’s. Some settings can be missed if your server is old. But, if setting is supported by your server and missed in the package it can be added by simple monkey pathing. Just look into ClickHouse server source and pick corresponding setting type from package or write your own type.

>>> from clickhouse_driver.settings.available import settings as available_settings, SettingBool
>>> from clickhouse_driver import Client
>>> available_settings['allow_suspicious_low_cardinality_types'] = SettingBool
>>> client = Client('localhost', settings={'allow_suspicious_low_cardinality_types': True})
>>> client.execute('CREATE TABLE test (x LowCardinality(Int32)) Engine = Null')